Thursday, July 13, 2006

me quite busy after school re-open.. today gotta NAFA ..>>2.4 km..6 rounds around the whole stadium..can u imagine it?? its so impossible 4 run in 1st..but i made it!! all thenks to god's help!! has been quite busy 4 me esp. tis week!! all 5 days late reach home..its gettindg me darker rings around my eyes and making me yawn..
last week is my birthday..a veru happy one indeed ..gotta celebration at home wif pizzas and kfc..think i gotta put on alot of weight ah?? i still dun hab the courage to atand on the weighing machine..wanna give special thks to my 2 sis and their bfs who fork out the most money....not to forget, my parents & aunty & grandma who gotta me a very big hongbao..
introduction to my 2 sisters..
big one: although lyk to poke her nose to my things and meddle wif them?? but very generous
wif her money..sometimes feel very lucky to hab her around cos she is ATM
but sometimes jus wish tat she will jus get married sooner..
2nd one: she is quite a fierce person but also quite generous at times..she really blows her too
when she is angry but too nice when she's not..adapted to her temper so its jus better to leave her alone...lazy and sleepy pig..but she is willing to exercise for her s
wata about parents??
mum: a very clean person who insist on cleaning the house evry week..but she is a nice mum lyk
every elses..a very good acountant when it comes to money..cos tats her job..
dad:a very funny dad who makes all my friends laugh during my childhood..he wakes me up
every morning, prepare my breakfast , prepare money and waterbottle everyday...he is a
gd dad i must admmit..haha
long long one..finally a long post...
kk..gtg..happy reading..
Add colours to your life!!
4:09 AM