Thursday, February 08, 2007

Went to dance today..Haix..gotta scolding from teacher again...Cos Kelly n other 2B gals were late..Mellissa n Joanne also lez.. The worst of all is tat they were late cos they went to the Vollyball match..haix..veri Angry at them..Then in de end, teacher nv continue the dance=( Then Mandy sick today...hab a slight fever n sore eyes..poor thing..haix..get well soon ba..
Then yesterday stupid manish scolded me 4 nth lol..Then when Victor n Lawrance walk by my class, i told them..n they scolded Manish..haha..Damn funny...Manish also veri paiseh..Cos they scold until veri loud..Let tis be a lesson to him...Nv to bully a gal again...Went hm to rush the dance n Chingay list..Then went to PA to try on the costume 4 Float yesterday nite...reach hm at abt 10+..veri tired today cos not enough sleep....The costume damn ugly lol..haix...Realli regret standing on de float.. But quiet fun overall la....
Add colours to your life!!
3:50 AM