Saturday, July 22, 2006

today was a tiring day..gotta cac captainsball competition but we juniors lose all 3..!! although everyone were quite dissapointed and sad, but were relieved tat there wasn't any major injuries..really must thk god 4 taking care of us..they went for steamboat aft the whole thing buti didn't go..haix, so many people gotta food poisoning after eating seafood and they still go..because of "better be safe then sry", so i didn't go!! haha..
yesterday was a busy and tired it was ratioharmony day, we had to wear our costumes..then mrs rettesh choosed to to go up stage and recite the pledge..i really gotta cold feet!! tremble, shive and scared!!! and i thought tat must remember the pledge and so i memorised until crazy..but on stage, i was given a paper...wasted rite?? then peijun and others laughed atme for my stupidness..thinking of it, it was quite funny ah??
then i went to dance to reherse my four races my surprise, the dance teacher and the student was here..they brought us down to practise our flag ..and it was at parade square!! we were sharing the place wif the NCC..then at first, i gotta a shocked when they screamed at the cadets..then our dance teacher and their offocers start to compete!! compete 4 wat?? their scolding lols.. hhaha!! very noisy lez..we r lyk the NCC-GIRLS suffering under the blazing sun..
our hand s and legs ache lyk hell..but tat guy kept toturing us..haha!! better dun let him know or i surely gonna scold..hahaha..we then went back to dance room for the whole dance..teacher told us aft 2 more practise, we would be perfoming..haix, worried lez..
k lols..bye..
Add colours to your life!!
4:20 AM