Thursday, August 03, 2006

hi... we got katching(means will buy) 4 our project!! we were suppose to create a package 4 a history tour..although many obstacles alonh the way, but very thankful tat we did the whole project wonderfully..=) thanks 4 my team-mates who put in lots of efforts!!
we also took prefect photo shot..then also got to know quite many friends!! then think nthspecial le lol..except tat, i wanna tell friend kelly : dun get too upset wif the things happening around u..although it might be a shock to u, and u had literally collapes becos of those,but dun be sad ah?? remember tat u still hab us, these friends behind your back supporting u and giving u encouragement..!!! cheer up k??
hab to go le..bye!!=)
Add colours to your life!!
1:07 AM