Meet at sch yesterday 4 de chingay practise..surprise to see them holding a cake..then did i now its Yi Xia's bd..So now, let me wish her HAPPR BIRTHDAY...haha..so we set off from sch lol..Then wehn we reach there, it was veri busy lol....Then We Change the float from Bao Shun Lao Shi's to Mr Low 's float..cos de float haben't finish making, then we stood on the lorry yesterday..haha..veri fun..But Tired also..Must keep smiling n waving...Then the spotlight also veri bright..mouth n hand aching now..but nvm la..its a fun experient...Then Mr Low's youngest Daughter also stand wif me at the float..She veri cute...Looking at her, i feel tat i already veri old lez..haha....So at 1st we couldn't find our costume cos de wear house veri busy..so Da Jie went there to search 4 us..aft Changing, we ate n make-up up quickly..There was barely enough time 4 us to slack..haha..Then Mdm Yeo came to PA take photo 4 us...Then we saw Michelle, Quan yi Fong , Wang lu jiang and Gurmit ...haha..Then when they all r leaving, we shouted byebye..n they turn around to wave at us..damn cool lez..haha..Then after another round of practise, we went h..reach hm at abt 11pm.. Then Slept at 12pm..Pulled myself up today at 7am to go to Piano Practise..kept yawning n yawning..aww..Then later still hab to go Theater 4 SYF dance..Realli veri tired..on de verge of breaking down lez...