Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I had my green and yellow 4 my Braces yesterday..My braces colour gotta reason wan...yellow was for the celebration of HARI RAYA PUASA and green was for DEEPAVALI..haha..interesting rite??...
I AM SUFFERING!!!! today veri toturing lol..suffering in pain was the right word to use...
then i realli wanna say a big thank u to Mr Desmond 4 letting me shut my mouth during recess duty tat time..If not 4 him, i might hab end up crying becos of the stupid braces..ur the best!! ...hahaa=)..then today dunno why must seat for a MOE survey..when open the booklet , i nearly faint le ..more lyk a maths test...Imagine tat u r in pain then still need to concentrate?? Horrible experience today...hahaa...I realli miss my white teeth and food... I wanna thk all tis people for your encouragement~Eric , Desmond , Yong xuan , Pei jun etc...=)
k la...i must go lez...bye...
Add colours to your life!!
11:55 PM