Thursday, December 28, 2006

went to Cresent Gal's sch 4 the combine dance practise wif, tanglin, Nan Hua, Nan chiau n cresent yesterday... Although i Didn't play wif them, it was quite fun..haha.. They played some games then went 4 tea break.. Then our sch guys went to ask the graduated guys to teach them some flips..Teacher see Poh Kang nv go then he pull his shirt..who could guess , it tore apart..Then they dance kuai le chong bai n ketchup together...veri nice..cos when u look across, they r doing the same movements..haha.. Then Jeremy came n ask me wat happened to my leg..he tot i was slacking..haha..Then it was SYF show time..haha... Though we didn't dance until veri nice, but Mr Low was smiling throughout our performance..haha..Then we exchange present then get ready to go hm..But Yong Xuan took one of my my Birkenstock slippers away ..still kick to other ppl..then the guy put it oin top of the Aircon..But gotta it back eventually..wheni gotta back, i realise the left side was was one of YX's trick again..haha=] Then we gotta hm on our bus ...
take care everyone..Sch is reopening lez..Dun fall sick..haha=] bb
Add colours to your life!!
7:51 PM