Tuesday, October 24, 2006

finally..i am free from pain..i can eat properly lez..=) but i hab to brush my teeth in return..haix..haha..yeah..tis sat going to chalet..must be veri fun...hahaa..=) but b4 tat, i hab my theory exams.....damn difficult lez....but no choice..hab to eat dessert onli after food....hahaa..=)
Results releasing tomorrow ah....if FAIL then how?? I think my mum has been watching too much news lately..she yesterday nitez told me tis : " Shimin, no matter how bad u score, u must come back home ah...dun be silly.." hahaaa...i think perharps she is jus talking in her dreams ..hahaa..=) Tomorrow still hab to vie 4 the 2nd and 3rd posititon in inter-house volleyball....we already played once on Monday lez..i still gotta something to specs the glass broke at the side becos of tat guy- Churn Sern..haix.he trew the ball directly at my face lol....but nvm la..Forgive and forget..hhaaa...=)
everyone take care k?? see you...=) bb
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2:25 AM