Wednesday, August 09, 2006

had a very tired day yesterday cos i went wif my mum's friends to one of the island of malaysia to cycle..the interval needed to get there was 45min and all of us was lyk tired lez..becoz of the work done when we had to carry our bike onto the boat..then..we cycle 4 an hr 30 min bf we reach our destination 4 lunch.. by the time we reach there, all our bums were lyk burning..(pain now still when seating) we ate seafood there,very sweet fruits too..then we tooka group pic and headed back to the jetty....some of the others could'nt tahan then called the taxi..haha..a bird was seen on the road feeing on a dead pup..very grusome!!then aft which we took a taxi back home!!-home sweet home-
later going to church to study wif darren and xiao wei..was last minute ecision so wasn't able to attract more people..haha..
kk..hab to go now..bye!!!
Add colours to your life!!
7:06 PM