Friday, July 14, 2006

now finally understand tat our lifes are filled wif obstacles and we must try our best to overcome them..very very sad recently..also dun quite understand wat i'm sad of..haix..another depression case!!thks to ms nurfidah..(form teacher) who counsel and made me feel lotes better..i kept wondering..why is tis happening to me??? where has tat nice, caring, funny, loving and social shimin went too..has it dissaper into thin air and never come back or has it jus lost its way...i use to help others.. but when i need help, who has come to the rescue lyk jus wat i gave to them then when they need it?? i dun think i had it lols...dunno since then i started asking myself weather my exist in the world means anything..wondering myself tat has anyone felt tat i am very moody nowdays..
can i find back my identity and recover my happiness?? wonder..but trough god's word..i believe i can heh??
feeling better now..byez..
Add colours to your life!!
5:22 AM